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小学外研版英语四年级第一学期 Module 1-3 综合练习 北京家教网


Module 1-3 综合练习 北京家教网


北京家教网资料              四年级第一学期 Module 1-3 综合练习    

  班级 __________   姓名 ___________ 学号 _________ 成绩___________

1. Write down the letters.(写出与下列字母相临的字母。)
b   c     e          H          K             m n o             r   t                   Z
2. Write the words again.(将下列单词排序。)
wait    worry      shell      plate       game   
3. Circle the different word.
1) Russian     Chinese    American    Mexico
2) read         finish       soon       wash
 3)  painted       help      phoned      cooked
4) visit         photo      help        eat
5) big          fat        also         tall
4.      Read and circle.
1)      Are Amy and Sam from the England?        Yes, we/ they are.
2)      Are you and your sister from Russia?          No, they/ we aren’t.
3)      Are your grandma and grandpa from China?    No, they/ we aren’t.
4)      Are your T-shirt and jacket from Mexico?     Yes, they/ we are.
5)      Are you from the USA?                    No, we/ they aren’t.
5.      Choose and write.
walks to   walked to   doesn’t    didn’t    play football
1)      Tom __________________ get up at 7:00 at weekends.
2)      Lily __________________ school yesterday.
3)      Amy usually ___________________ school.
4)      Sam ____________________ learn English and Maths yesterday.
5)      On Sundays, I usually _______________________ in the park. But I didn’t play football yesterday.
6. Read and choose.
(     ) (1) Yesterday, I           my bike.    
 A. wash       B. washing       C. washed
(     ) (2) He didn’t           on a school trip.
           A. go         B. went          C. goes
(     ) (3) Where are you         now?
A. go         B. going          C. goes
(     ) (4) Amy usually           up at 6:30.
           A. got         B. get            C. gets
(     ) (5) Where does she live? She       in Scotland.
           A. lived        B. live           C. lives
7.Look and write.
1)        I watched TV. I didn’t swim.
2)        _____________________________________________________________
3)        _____________________________________________________________
4)        _____________________________________________________________
8. Read and write. ( 读范文,续写3句话。)
Yesterday was Sunday. I cleaned my room..






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